Europejskie Forum Prawa Turystycznego, Salzburg (Austria), 30.06 – 1.07. 2011 r.
W dniach 30.06-1.07 w Salzburgu odbędzie się Europejskie Forum Prawa Turystycznego. W programie przewidziano następujące referaty:
Josep Maria Bech (Universitat de Girona, ES), The Common Frame of Reference and travel contracts
Piotr Cybula (AWF Kraków, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach, Kancelaria Bielański i Wspólnicy, PL), Problems in the implementation of the PTD into Polish law in the context of the discussion on the revision of the PTD
Ernst Führich (Hochschule Kempten, DE), Progress and trends of the term “Organiser” within the PTD and under the jurisdiction of ECJ and German Supreme Court
David Grant (Travel Law Quarterly, UK), Case law in the UK and the erosion of the protection provided by the PTD
Jens Karsten (Avocat à Bruxelles, BE), European passenger law v international uniform law – User rights v international governance: Finding the middle way
Stephan Keiler (Universität Salzburg, euvr, AT), Travel Law in the EU – the current situation de lege lata et de lege ferenda
Francesco Morandi (Avv a Modena, Università degli studi di Sassari, RIDT, IT), Towards a regulation for separate tourist services
Friedrich von Scanzoni (Holidaycheck AG, CH), Hotel Reviews: necessity or nuisance? A report from practice
Ronald Schmid (RA Frankfurt; Universität Dresden, RRa, DE), The terra incognita within aviation law – controversial subjects of the Air Passenger’s Rights regulation
Ansgar Staudinger (Universität Bielefeld, RRa, DE), Inconsistencies of rights of different kinds of passengers
Klaus Tonner (Universität Rostock, RRa, DE), Towards a European Directive on Tourism Services
Michael Wukoschitz (RA Wien, IFTTA, AT), International jurisdiction with regard to package travel contracts: clarifications and unresolved issues
and by
Dovil? Svilait? (Vilnius, LT) as a young academic.
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